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You could WIN a blanket!



Blankets for Burn Kids was created by Kelly Falardeau and her kids Alex, Cody and Parker. Kelly got burnt when she was only 2-yrs-old to 75% of her body and knows what it's like to feel ugly, unloved, unwanted and rejected.


Together with her kids, they created a blanket from one of Kelly's paintings and had them manufactured so that they can share them with other kids who need to feel more loved, needed and wanted. 

You can help too....

You can help too....

Click below to buy blankets:

Thank you!!

Thank you to The Rotary Club of Toronto for donating $7500 from their 2017 golf tournament proceeds.

Thank you to The Rotary Clubs of Camrose, they sponsored 30 blankets for Open Door charity, Victim Services and the Women's shelter.

Thank you to The Spruce Grove Rotary Club, they sponsored $500 for blankets for burn kids.

Yep - even big overgrown puppies love our blankets! :)

©2016 Kelly Falardeau Productions

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